1-MBA Financial Management Concentration

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Our full-time, 1-MBA program offers a concentration in Financial Management

An interdisciplinary approach between the Finance and Management departments in the College of Business, this concentration lives at the intersection of finance and management and equips MBA students with a strong background in corporate finance while also integrating new venture analysis in how organizations enhance their capabilities to organize, execute, and invest in new ventures. What makes this concentration unique is that few Finance concentrations allow students to access the mindset of an entrepreneur. Through a blend of Graduate Business Entrepreneurship (GBEN) and Graduate Business (GBUS) courses this concentration is ideal for students who:

  • Are seeking or advancing in a career in finance 
  • Are interested in working for start ups or fast growing companies in a finance capacity  
  • Have an interest in developing their own entrepreneurial ideas and seek to gain deeper financial acumen

 The 1-MBA with Financial Management Concentration is a 13-month program from July to August.


Financial Management Concentration Curriculum Overview

Total: 12 credits


Graduation for 1-MBA Financial Management Concentrators

1-MBA Financial Management concentrators will still be able to participate in May graduation, however the MBA degree would be conferred with an August diploma for employment purposes.


Tuition Cost

The tuition cost of the 1-MBA program would not change for students pursuing this concentration. 


Health Insurance

The Lehigh University Health Insurance plan covers you for the duration of the program. 


Graduate Student Housing

1-MBA Financial Management concentrators living on campus or off campus would need to ensure their housing arrangements would run through the end of summer session II on the Lehigh University academic calendar. Explore your options early by visiting the Office of Housing Services website.