1-MBA Business Analytics Concentration

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Our full-time, 1-MBA program offers a STEM-designated concentration in Business Analytics 

Rapid advancement in information technology has created a data rich environment for organizations in all sectors.  How to collect appropriate data, how to evaluate data collection methods and sources, and how to use the data to gain business insights and improve decision making have been challenging to managers.  The Business Analytics concentration is a 15 credit program that is designed to give students exposure to business data collection, storage and retrieval, predictive models, and applications for improved decision making in the modern organization. 

 The 1-MBA with Business Analytics Concentration is a 13-month program from July to August.

Business Analytics Concentration Curriculum Overview

Total: 15 credits


Optional Practical Training (OPT) and STEM OPT Extension

Optional Practical Training lets eligible F-1 students work in their field of study in the United States for up to 12 months after completion. F-1 students with a degree in a STEM field (Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics) may be eligible for a 24 month extension, for a total of 36 months OPT.


Graduation for 1-MBA Business Analytics Concentrators

1-MBA Business Analytics students are still able to participate in May graduation, however the MBA degree would be conferred with an August diploma (domestic students) and December diploma (F1-visa students) for employment purposes. 


Tuition Cost

The tuition cost of the 1-MBA program would not change for students who elect to concentrate in Business Analytics.


Health Insurance 

The Lehigh University student health insurance plan covers you for the duration of this concentration.


Graduate Student Housing

1-MBA Business Analytics concentrators living on campus or off campus would need to ensure their housing arrangements would run through the end of summer session II on the Lehigh University academic calendar. Explore your options early by visiting the Office of Housing Services website.