FLEX MBA Program Flexibility

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The FLEX MBA program can be completed on campus or virtually through our online ClassromLIVE platform.

The Lehigh FLEX MBA offers highly ranked curriculum through flexible delivery options that fit your professional and personal lifestyle. Courses are available through on-campus study or through our ClassroomLIVE distance education platform. Students may elect to follow one mode exclusively or mix and match modes – thus providing for the ultimate flexibility and convenience in completing your MBA degree.  

A key advantage is our ability to deliver programs using several different technology platforms and provide courses that meet the varied needs of our students. Courses may be asynchronous or live over the internet via a specialized web conferencing platform.

Learn more about Lehigh's two distance education platforms and how to use the technology.


ClassroomLIVE - Synchronous Learning

ClassroomLIVE is an integrated, web-based learning environment that delivers programs in real-time from classrooms on Lehigh's campus direct to students, in their homes, at their workplaces, or while traveling. Students interact live with professors and other students during the class as it's actually taking place on campus (i.e. synchronous learning). Each class in the Flex MBA core curriculum is available to students through ClassroomLIVE each Fall and each Spring Semester.


Classroom Online - Asynchronous Learning

For a limited number of elective courses, streaming video of the course is produced in our studio classrooms on-campus and made available for viewing on the web. This video can be viewed at any time, providing a high degree of flexibility for the student. Professors interact with students using email, discussion boards, web-conferencing, or telephone, as determined by the professor. 


Find out more about Distance Education and check out the many locations that our students have attended classes from using ClassroomLIVE and Classroom Online! 



"Earning an MBA from a top ranked program at an academically renowned university such as Lehigh is extremely rewarding. What has made it even more special is the experience. As a distance education student, staying actively connected to classmates and professors is very important. Lehigh's ClassroomLIVE distance education program is second to none and truly differentiates the Lehigh FLEX MBA experience from other programs. The connections I have made with my classmates- professionals from a variety of industries from around the world- only serve to enhance the high quality business education the program obviously provides."

Daniel L., MBA Alum '14
Senior Mechanical Engineer, Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company