Microcredit Really Does Help the Poor - Just in Modest Ways

Studies show that the impacts of microcredit appear to be fairly modest—helpful, but certainly not the magic bullet solution to global poverty.

Hackers, Ransomware, Trust, and the Future of Bitcoin

The same thing that makes Bitcoin a safe currency—its high degree of security—also makes it attractive to criminals, and untrustworthy in the public's eyes.

Understanding the Benefits - and Risks - of Humanizing Your Brand

Research—and the Ghostbusters movie—have shown that humanized brand characters can create strong emotional bonds between consumers and product.

‘Massive’ Middle Class Tax Relief Is Just Around the Corner! Really?

A detailed look at who benefits most from the tax plans offered by President Trump and House Republicans, and what impact they would have on national debt.

Why We Need True Tax Reform

Our tax code is unnecessarily complex and a waste of national productivity. Surely, there must be a better way for our government to collect taxes.

Job-Stealing Robots? Millennials See Hope, Fear in Automation

Will a robot one day take your job? A more likely scenario is that the future of work means cooperation between humans and the robots.

Why the Government Mandate is Essential for Health Insurance Markets

Eliminating the Affordable Care Act’s mandate requiring everyone to have health insurance would undermine the concept of risk pooling necessary to make any market-based system work.

What You Need to Know About the Physical Internet

The Physical Internet is based on applying the technologies and methodologies of the digital internet to the physical world.

E-Commerce Raises Stakes for Supply Chain

The e-commerce explosion over the past two decades has made supply chain and logistics management more important than ever—for consumers as well as companies.

Should Workers Have the ‘Right to Disconnect?’

After-hours emails from employers are causing emotional exhaustion and anticipatory stress among workers, leading some to call for a “right to disconnect.”