Is Globalization Good for the World’s Poor?

Over the past century, the benefits of globalization do not happen quickly in developing nations. But they do eventually happen, history shows us.

In Today’s Luxury Fashion World, Ugly Is In

In the fashion world, ugly has somehow become a signal of taste, of the good life, of luxury and prestige. New research helps explain why.

Being a Team Player in a Multiple Team World

Most employees today find themselves on multiple teams at work. Research is now looking at how these changes influence team outcomes.

Business Analytics: The Core in Our New Core Curriculum

Business analytics is changing the landscape of business today, and it is now a critical component of the core curriculum for Lehigh's College of Business and undergraduate students.

What You Need to Know About the New Tax Law

A look at the changes in the new tax law that took effect this year, what they mean to us, and what steps we may want to consider.

Mute Button Strategy, Buddying Up, and Other Tips for Successful Virtual Meetings

Virtual work success is predicated on planning and intention, and this is especially true when it comes to virtual meetings.

Selling the Air

Focusing on how digital transformation can create value across the platform, instead of just within an organization, is a win-win for both customers and companies.

Dealing with Disruptive Innovations in the Supply Chain

Leading industry and academic experts will gather at Lehigh University in November to share their insights on disruptive innovations affecting the supply chain today.

California Law Requiring Women on Corporate Boards: Steps Every Board Could Take Now

A new California law requiring women on corporate boards should create a sense of urgency for boards across America to take action on their own.

Freedom or FOMO: The Pros and Cons of Working from Home

Thinking about working from home? Here are the main pros and cons to consider before you broach the idea with your boss.