Intellectual Property: Strategy & Valuation

This program is designed for entrepreneurially-spirited C-level executives and senior managers of growth enterprises as well as founders of early stage companies as part of our Executive Certificate in Corporate Entrepreneurship.

Dates: Dates to be announced (from 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM ET)
Delivery: Two days at Ben Franklin TechVentures, Lehigh University [Mountaintop Campus]
Fee: $1,600 [includes lunch and refreshments]


While many businesses invest heavily in the creation of IP, the risks associated with wasting capital or missing market opportunities are always present. The historical shift to a global service economy, together with the complexity of doing business in the digital world, have upended traditional notions of value. Tech-driven enterprises of all sizes and shapes know physical assets have given way to IP if they are to remain competitive and add to their bottom line. Valuing IP and protecting IP are two sides of the same coin. IP today figures into product launch and pricing decisions, shapes licensing strategies and agreements, and impacts diligence and valuation in M&A transactions for companies on an exit path. This program provides the needed wake-up call for decision-makers to properly strategize IP to maximize its full potential.      

Impact & Benefits

Participants experience a fast-moving no holds-barred 2-day journey peppered with relevant and pressing IP topics that are dissected from a decision-making or managerial perspective. The program is built around five key questions: 

[1]  How do I define IP?
[2]  How do I protect IP?
[3]  How do I value IP?
[4]  How do I manage IP?
[5]  How do I monetize IP?

The format is 100% interactive. Real life situations come alive. Case study and team exercises pick up the pace including playing a key role in a competitive IP negotiation.  

Lehigh Faculty

Adjunct professors, Tom Kuster and John Zawarski, Esq., deliver the program. Lehigh MBA and Stanford engineer and serial entrepreneur, Tom Kuster, is recognized nationally and globally for the ventures he launched and sold in the renewable energy space. He previously was a C-level player with First Solar [Nasdaq: FSLR] and was on the executive team with Air Products in his early years. Distinguished Penn Law School graduate, John Zurawski, Esq., is the IP practice lead with Ballard Spahr – a prominent law firm headquartered in Philadelphia which operates nationally through 15 offices.  He is well-known with client firms doing business in life sciences.

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