Lehigh Business Supply Chain Risk Management Index


Risk Index icon

Welcome to the Lehigh Business Supply Chain Risk Management Index Report developed by the Center for Supply Chain Research at Lehigh University and the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals.

We launched this index in August of 2020 to better understand the different kinds of supply chain risks businesses face. Supply chain professionals rate the likelihood that the risk in the present quarter compared to the risk in the previous quarter will likely increase, remain the same or decrease for 10 different categories.

The Lehigh Business Supply Chain Risk Management Index (LRMI) value is a number between 0 – 100, where greater than 50 suggests increased risk, equal to 50 suggests the same risk and less than 50 suggests decreased risk.

The list below reflects the 10 categories of risk evaluated independently by supply chain professionals:

  • Customer Risk
  • Cyber Security Risk
  • Economic Risk
  • Environmental Risk
  • Government Intervention Risk
  • Operational Risk
  • Quality Risk
  • Supplier Risk
  • Technological Risk
  • Transportation Risk

View the Current Report

The latest report is for the 3rd Quarter in 2024.

Participate in the 2024 4th Quarter Survey!

If you would like to participate in the next survey, please click the button below.

Past Reports






For additional information about the survey please contact Dr. Zach G. Zacharia at zacharia@lehigh.edu.