Lehigh’s College of Business offers four undergraduate business degree programs to prepare students for different specializations.

All four degrees share the Lehigh difference - a rigorous business core curriculum, options to personalize and specialize to leverage students’ strengths, and exposure to courses beyond business to broaden students’ skills and perspective.

Rigorous Business Core

Every undergraduate business degree at Lehigh has a rigorous business core curriculum that is required of all students in the degree program.

All Core Curricula Across our Four Business Degrees

  • Start with early exposure to business. Whether it’s in BUS 001: Foundations of Business, IBE 050: Integrated Business and Engineering Workshop or BUHE 001: Integrated Seminar, all first-year business students experience business decision making, setting the stage for future study. First-year students also benefit from the experience of peer mentors to help support their academic and social transitions to Lehigh. 
  • Require rigorous, intermediate-level courses across business disciplines. All business undergrads will experience the same introductory accounting, economics, finance, management and marketing classes regardless of the specialization each student eventually chooses. Our intermediate-level core is demanding, but it’s a good investment. Lehigh students are prepared to solve complex business problems that aren’t neatly niched in one business discipline, and they have the perspective to understand, work with, and lead colleagues from across business functions. After they experience introductory courses, Lehigh students can make more informed decisions about their specializations and even complement their area of focus by adding a minor or certification. Students in our flagship degree program might choose a second (“double”) major to leverage even more opportunities across disciplines.
  • Finish with a senior capstone that integrates and extends the core into applied experience. All students in the BS in Business and Economics program engage in a real-time, team-based strategic management simulation. Many students extend that learning through a global business immersion in locations like Singapore, Vietnam or Dubai. BS in Computer Science and Business (CSB) students work in project teams with real clients across two semesters to assess needs and develop prototype applications to meet them. Students in the BS in Integrated Business and Engineering (IBE) program work in project teams to propose innovative solutions to solve challenging problems. The BS in Integrated Business and Health (IBH) program will conclude with a capstone that immerses students in projects that allow them to apply business, economic, and policy analysis skills to an organization in order to improve population health.  
  • Remain responsive to changes in the Business environment. In fall 2019, the core curriculum was infused with added emphasis on communication, teamwork, leadership and business analytics. Faculty and college leaders work closely with our alumni and employment partners to ensure that the Lehigh curriculum is both timeless and timely - equipping our students with the skills to excel now and in the future.  

Options to Personalize Specializations and Leverage Strengths

Finding the right specialization is the first step towards a rewarding future in business, and at Lehigh, students have a staggering array of options from which to choose, including two AACSB-accredited interdisciplinary honors programs with the P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science, and an Integrated Business and Health degree – new in fall 2025.  

In the BS in Business and Economics – our largest undergraduate business program – students can choose from 8 majors and more than 100 double-major combinations. Majors include accounting, business information systems, economics, finance, management, marketing, business analytics and supply chain management. Majors also go deep, with 5 to 7 required courses per major, depending on the major chosen. Some of the majors, like accounting and management, also include tracks that allow students to refine their specializations even further. 

Students in the BS in Integrated Business and Engineering (IBE) program can choose any one of 20 different majors, including all 8 business majors, 10 engineering majors and majors like financial engineering that are unique to the IBE program.   

In the BS in Computer Science and Business (CSB) program, all students complete a specialized sequence of CSB courses that integrate business and computer science. As a result, this degree is dually accredited – both as a business degree and as a computer science degree. Students also have the flexibility to choose professional electives to develop personalized areas of concentration, including accounting, finance, marketing analytics or other areas of interest.

The BS in Integrated Business and Health (IBH) program combines our business core with an added focus on courses in health policy and health economics. Students complete a health policy elective that is chosen in consultation with an advisor and 8 credits of free electives that could be used toward a minor.

Across business specializations, major courses are engaging and challenging. Faculty are scholars, teachers, and mentors committed to excellence in undergraduate education and class sizes are small enough for faculty to know their students.

Courses Beyond Business to Grow Perspective

All business degrees give students an opportunity to engage in courses from Lehigh’s outstanding College of Arts and Sciences, P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science and College of Health.

The BS in Business and Economics degree gives students the most freedom to explore since a minimum of 48 of their 124 required degree credits must come from outside of the business school. Fifteen of the 48 credits are specified to be taken within three different areas (humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences) to ensure students are exposed to valuable, different ways of knowing – but distribution courses are not defined, so students still have choice with respect to the courses they take. Business students may use their 48 credits outside of business to explore what Lehigh’s College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science and the College of Health have to offer, taking courses outside their comfort zone on campus or abroad. Students often develop their interests beyond business into minors, and some students drill even deeper to earn a second degree from arts and sciences, health or engineering (a “dual degree” program).