Shift Happens: Andrew Ward on Preparing for Societal Shifts

Lehigh Business professor Andrew Ward talks about societal shifts, and how your organization can actually plan for things like COVID-19 and a world pandemic.

Josh Ehrig on How a Start-up Can Survive a Pandemic

Tips on how start-ups can succeed while in the middle of a worldwide COVID-19 pandemic from Lehigh Business’ Josh Ehrig, self-admitted serial tech entrepreneur.

How to be Better at Working from Home: Tips for Team Leaders and Team Members

With so many people suddenly being forced to work from home due to the coronavirus, what does the research say about how dispersed teams perform? How can leaders and team members adjust their styles?

Cathy Engelbert on Leadership

Watch this insightful and candid interview with Cathy Engelbert, the very first Commissioner of the WNBA and a Lehigh alumna class of ‘86.

Libra Rising: Facebook’s Move into Cryptocurrency

The main barriers to Facebook launching its own cryptocurrency, called Libra, are political, not technological. That means now is the time to consider the implications for individuals, governments and the global economy.

The Coronavirus Outbreak and Globalization

The coronavirus outbreak underscores how a crisis anywhere in the world today can cause shockwaves to the public health and economic systems of nations near and far.

The Catch-22 of Intra-Team Rivalry

Intra-team rivalry can, under the right circumstances, boost individual and team performance. But beware the dark side.

What You Need to Know to File Your 2019 Tax Returns

A handy primer to the sweeping tax law changes enacted by Congress two years ago that can help you navigate the good news and the not-so-good news.

Shareholders Step Up on Credit Default Swaps

When looking at innovative financial products like credit default swaps, you need to look at the totality of the related effects they have on firms and their stakeholders.

Can Public Pensions Help Close the US Infrastructure Gap?

Models that have been successful in other countries can shed light on how pension capital might evolve into a financing solution for desperately needed U.S. public infrastructure improvements.