Just as physics and biological sciences use laboratories to provide hands-on applications for students and experimental settings for faculty research, the financial services sector has relied on trading, or simulation, laboratories. Higher education has used these laboratories, which mimic a trading room environment, as a way of training students in the workings of the financial world.
The establishment of a Financial Services Laboratory makes Lehigh a preeminent player in higher education, allowing the university and the College of Business a differential advantage, both competitively and pedagogically. The initiative is consistent with the Lehigh goal of developing cutting- edge programs that go across academic boundaries and colleges, and would support the needs of a wide range of students.
Initial fund raising for the lab has been successful. However, to remain technologically current and to ensure the continuous upgrading of the Lab, a permanent endowment is needed. To support the lab, click on this link to the secure giving area and please designate your gift to the Financial Services Lab. Future Lehigh graduates will be grateful for your kind generosity.
For information about Naming Opportunities within the Financial Services Laboratory, please contact James Mann, Senior Director, Lehigh Business and Constituent Development at 610-758-5689.