Welcome to ilLUminate, the blog of Lehigh University’s College of Business.
Why ilLUminate? The title succinctly captures who we are and why we started this online forum. The “LU” in the title refers to Lehigh University, one of the nation’s top research universities and home to the College of Business. And the word “illuminate” states precisely what the blog hopes to accomplish—to offer thoughtful perspectives from the college’s faculty, alumni, and students that shine light on interesting and often complex issues and questions related to the business of business.
At Lehigh’s College of Business, we believe that learning is a lifelong process. As long as we draw breath, we are never, ever finished in our journey of discovery. Lehigh’s College of Business is home to some of the smartest and most creative thinkers it has ever been my pleasure to encounter. I believe that the perspectives our faculty, alumni and students offer will challenge, stimulate, and illuminate. Visit us regularly and I am confident that you will agree.
While we are proud to share the views of our authors, our greatest hope is that our readers will engage with ilLUminate in a vibrant and respectful exchange of ideas, making this a place for intellectually stimulating conversations that shed needed light on topics of interest to so many. After all, learning is a never-ending adventure for all of us.
Whether you are an alumnus or alumna of Lehigh University or of another school; a faculty member here or elsewhere; were referred to the blog by a friend, professional colleague, or acquaintance; or discovered it while searching online for a specific topic, we are pleased you are here.
We believe our mission is to educate people in all stages and phases of their lives. There is always the opportunity to learn, to view something from a different perspective. We hope that you make ilLUminate a regular stop on your lifelong journey of discovery.
Warm regards,
Georgette Chapman Phillips, Dean
College of Business