This is the education tag for Lehigh Business Thought Leadership.

Georgette Chapman Phillips on the Year of Learning

In this episode of Lehigh University’s College of Business ilLUminate podcast, we are speaking with Dean Georgette Chapman Phillips about the Year of Learning program.

Dr. Yamil Sanchez is 2022 Recipient of College of Business Graduate Life Leadership Award

The recipient of this year’s College of Business Graduate Life Leadership award is Dr. Yamil Sanchez.

Losing Their Religion? Reputational Harm to Universities from Overtly Religious Advertising

In new research, recently accepted for publication in the Journal of Advertising, researchers find consistent evidence that when a university uses overtly religious advertising or marketing communications, stakeholders’ evaluations of academic programs that are closely related to religion (e.g., Theology & Ministry, religious studies) increase. Learn more.

What Is A Resilient Enterprise Supply Chain?

Because the numbers and types of threats that can undermine a supply chain are now greater than ever, resilience has taken on even more significance in supply chain management.

Breaking Boundaries Between Business and Engineering: Going from ‘E to E’

"E to E," a new initiative that will prepare engineers to be executives, is just one example of how Lehigh Business continues to break boundaries between business and technology.

Business Analytics: The Core in Our New Core Curriculum

Business analytics is changing the landscape of business today, and it is now a critical component of the core curriculum for Lehigh's College of Business and undergraduate students.

Potatoes, Dirt and Undergrad Business

What do business schools have in common with potato farms? A lot more than you probably think.

Why ilLUminate? A Message from the Dean

A message from Dean Georgette C. Phillips on Lehigh Business Thought Leadership.