You have your engineering degree in hand and you are ready to start the next phase of your life – your career. In fact, it won’t take long to discover the competitive landscape that awaits when trying to land your first position with a solid company that can utilize your talents.

This adventure seems daunting as companies look for the candidates who can bring the most value. Sure, you remain confident in knowing your skills, but how do you convince those companies that you are ready for not only this first challenge, but for those broader challenges down the road? Have you thought about how combining engineering with business uniquely qualifies you for that broader challenge earlier in your career, not later down the road.

Your Engineering Degree combined with the MS in Management degree from Lehigh University is the BIG Combination – The Combination that readies you Today for Tomorrow’s challenges.

Set yourself apart from other engineering graduates - show you have not only the technical expertise but also the Business Skills most valued in industry when grooming the company leaders of tomorrow.

Today’s leading-edge companies seek business managers from a variety of backgrounds and the combination of business and engineering is the singular collaboration most in demand.  Such employees bring very high value-add skills to their projects.