The coronavirus outbreak underscores how a crisis anywhere in the world today can cause shockwaves to the public health and economic systems of nations near and far.
A recent study that shows pregnant women with long-distance commutes are at higher risk for adverse birth outcomes highlights the need for more public discussion about prenatal care.
When high-tech jobs boom in an area, immigration often does, too. But it primarily occurs at the lower-skilled end of the labor spectrum, research shows.
Confused by Brexit? Add the latest journal from the Martindale Center for the Study of Private Enterprise to your summer reading list.
"E to E," a new initiative that will prepare engineers to be executives, is just one example of how Lehigh Business continues to break boundaries between business and technology.
Science has long concluded there is no link between vaccines and autism. So why do some people refuse to believe it? Confirmatory bias helps explain.
Over the past century, the benefits of globalization do not happen quickly in developing nations. But they do eventually happen, history shows us.
Focusing on how digital transformation can create value across the platform, instead of just within an organization, is a win-win for both customers and companies.
Occupational licenses are now required by various states for more than 1,000 jobs covering three out of every 10 American workers.
Rising inflation—provided the increase is modest—might actually be good news for workers who have seen little growth in their paychecks in recent years.