Q: Provide some background details about yourself and your journey leading up to your decision to attend the 1-MBA program.
A: It was always a goal of mine to complete a master’s degree but it seemed that life and my career always got in the way. I have been working in a marketing environment for overs 10 year with a focus in healthcare.
I was up late one night contemplating my next career move because I was no longer happy with the state of my current job. I typed in “1-year MBA” and up came a link for the 1-MBA at Lehigh University. I downloaded the PDF and carefully read through every page. I started taking notes and jotting down questions about the program. Since my undergraduate degree was in science, I was not sure I would be eligible. But I could feel myself getting very excited about the thought of being able to finally achieve my goal of getting my MBA! Could this be too good to be true?
The following morning, I called the [previous] head of graduate admissions, Mike Tarantino and asked if he had time to discuss the 1-MBA program. He politely said yes and spent over an hour answering every question I had about the program. By the end of the conversation, I was smiling from ear to ear because I had finally found the best MBA program that fit my life. 1-year, full time, diverse class options, summer internship and a highly respected school reputation.
After hanging up with Mike, I started to review the application, signed up for the entrance exam, reached out for letters of recommendations and I was in full swing.
I found out in early October 2016 that I had been accepted into the program. It was one my proudest moments and I had no hesitation to attend Lehigh’s 1-MBA inaugural program.
Q: What obstacle(s) would have prevented you from attending the 1-MBA program?
A: The main obstacle was having to hit pause button on my current full-time employment and the financial impact that would cause. Although, after looking at overall benefit, I was made the right decision to attend the program.
Q: What have you found out about yourself as a result of attending the 1-MBA program?
A: I confirmed that being part of the inaugural 1-MBA program was the best decision I have made for myself and my future!
Q: What would you say to anyone considering the 1-MBA program? Would you recommend this program? If so, why?
I would tell anyone considering the 1-MBA, that it is a strong and competitive program. Be prepared to work hard and have fun! Lehigh brings insightful professors to the table that will elevate your thought process through practical and relevant concepts.
Q: What elements of the 1-MBA program have you enjoyed the most? Least?
A: The most: the people in the program. We are a close group with a wealth of knowledge from all parts of the world. Each of us brings a tremendous amount of work experience to the table that helps shape our class discussions and group projects.
The least: there have been some scheduling challenges that were ironed out from the original program (minor).
Q: What are other benefits of this product?
A: The faculty and program staff are very accessible and more than willing to support you; the size of the cohort - big enough to gain a new insight and perspective and small enough to get an individualized experience; and the diversity of the group - ages, work history and international presence.
Q: Is there anything you’d like to add?
I have found a University that I can belong to with a community of people I will continue to engage with long after I have completed the program
Q: How did the 1-MBA program benefit you in obtaining your role at AstraZeneca?
A: Prior to starting the program, I worked in the pharmaceutical industry and I knew that was where I wanted to return to after the program. After receiving the MBA, it allowed me to apply for higher level leadership roles. During the interview process, I was able to showcase my previous experience as well as a different business perspective to round out my professional marketability. Much of the work that I completed during my study was relevant to the current business environment, so it helped me to leverage many of the theories we learned throughout the program and transition that into practice at the company.
Q: Could you elaborate on your role and career progression at the company?
A: I have been with AstraZeneca since I graduated from Lehigh with my MBA. During that time, I have accepted advanced roles in different departments and allowed myself to grow within the organization. I am currently working in Market Access Strategy, supporting our Respiratory Portfolio of products including those in launch readiness and established brands. By leveraging the real-world education, I received at Lehigh and building my network of industry relationships, I continue to support my career progression and development.