Dr. Zach G. Zacharia is an associate professor of supply chain management and director of the Center for Supply Chain Research at Lehigh in the College of Business at Lehigh University where he teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in supply chain operations management and logistics and transportation. He graduated with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Calgary, an M.B.A. from the University of Alberta, and a Ph.D. in Logistics with a minor in Marketing from the University of Tennessee. His current research interests include collaboration/competition within the supply chain, supplier satisfaction, and the physical internet.
Before joining academia, Zach worked at the University of Tennessee, Center for Transportation Research for six years as an associate director. He also worked at the Department of Transportation in Alberta, Canada for ten years as an equipment engineer. He is a principal in BZS Consulting, which primarily focuses on teaching supply chain operations management and evaluating collaboration and procurement strategies across firms in a supply chain.
Zach is a senior associate editor at the International Journal of Logistics Management and an associate editor at the Journal of Business Logistics. Zach has over 29 refereed publications including 2 articles in the Journal of Operations Management, 9 articles in the Journal of Business Logistics, and articles in Decision Sciences, the Journal of Supply Chain Management, the International Journal of Production and Operations Management, International Journal of Logistics Management, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Marketing Management, Supply Chain Management Review, Journal of International Technology and Information Management, Journal of Vehicle Design and The Wall Street Journal. As a member of a Supply Chain Research Group at the University of Tennessee he co-authored a book titled “Supply Chain Management” (Sage Publications, December 2000). Zach also contributed a chapter on logistics service providers and new product development in the book titled Managing Innovation: The New Competitive Edge for Logistics Service Providers, Stephan M. Wagner ed., Kuehne Foundation Book Series (2007).
Among the awards Zach has received is the DATA Department Service Award (2023), Teaching Innovation Grant (2018), Best Reviewer Award, Journal of Business Logistics (2017), Staub Faculty Excellence Award (2013) for the College of Business, Best Paper Finalist (2010) from the Journal of Operations Management, Best Paper Award (2007) from North American Research/Teaching Symposium on Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, Outstanding Student Paper Award (2000) from the Society for Marketing Advances, and the Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Award (2000) from the University of Arkansas.
29. Varun Jain, Usha Mohan, Zach G. Zacharia, Nada Sanders (2022) “Improving patient satisfaction and outpatient diagnostic center efficiency using novel online real-time scheduling” Operations Research for Health Care (Forthcoming)
28. Saif Mir, Misty Blessley, Zach Zacharia, John Aloysius (2021) “Mending Fences in the Buyer-Supplier Relationship: The Role of Justice in Relationship Restoration” Journal of Supply Chain Management (Forthcoming)
27. Dev, Navin; Ravi Shankar; Zach Zacharia, Sanjeev Swami, (2021) "Supply chain resilience for managing the ripple effect in Industry 4.0 for green product diffusion” International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management” (Forthcoming)
26. Ballot, Eric, Benoit Montreuil, Zach G. Zacharia, (2021) “Physical Internet: First Results and Next Challenges” Journal of Business Logistics Vol 42 No. 1, 1 – 7.
25. Treiblmaier, Horst, Kristijan Mirkovski, Paul B. Lowry, Zach G. Zacharia, (2020) “The Physical Internet as a New Supply Chain Paradigm: A Systematic Literature Review and a Comprehensive Framework” International Journal of Logistics Management Vol. 31 No. 2, 239-287.
24. Zach G. Zacharia, Michael Plasch, Usha Mohan, Markus Gerschberger (2019) “The Emerging Role Of Coopetition Within Inter-Firm Relationships” International Journal of Logistics Management Vol. 30, No. 2, 414-437.
23. Soonhong Min, Zach G. Zacharia, Carlo D. Smith (2019) “Defining Supply Chain Management: In the Past, Present and Future” Journal of Business Logistics Vol.40 No.1, 44-55.
22. Kimberly Whitehead, Zach Zacharia, Edmund Prater (2019) “Investigating the Role of Knowledge Transfer in Supply Chain Collaboration” International Journal of Logistics Management Vol. 30, No. 1, 284-302.
21. Misty Blessly, Saif Mir, Zach G. Zacharia, John Aloysius (2018) “Breaching Relational Obligations In A Buyer-Supplier Relationship: Feelings Of Violation, Fairness Perceptions And Supplier Switching” Industrial Marketing Management Vol. 74, Oct, 215-226.
20. Faraz, Alireza, Nada R. Sanders, Zach G. Zacharia, Markus Gerschberger (2018) “Monitoring Type B Buyer-Supplier Relationships” International Journal of Production Research Vol. 56, No. 18, 6225-6239.
19. Whitehead, Kimberly, Zach G. Zacharia, Edmund Prater, (2016) “Absorptive Capacity Versus Distributive Capability: The Asymmetry of Knowledge Transfer” International Journal of Operations and Production Management Vol. 36, No 10, 1308-1332.
18. Nada R. Sanders, Brian R. Fugate, Zach G. Zacharia, (2016) “Interdisciplinary Research In SCM: Through the Lens of The Behavioral Theory of The Firm” Journal of Business Logistics Vol. 37, No 2, 107-112.
17. Nancy W. Nix, Zach G. Zacharia, (2014) “The Impact of Collaborative Engagement on Knowledge and Performance Gains in Episodic Collaborations” International Journal of Logistics Management Vol. 25, No 2, 245-269.
16. Zach G. Zacharia, Nada R. Sanders, Brian R. Fugate (2014) “The Evolving Role of Disciplines Within Supply Chain Management” Journal of Supply Chain Management Vol. 50, No 1, 73-88.
15. Nada R. Sanders, Zach G. Zacharia, Brian R. Fugate (2013) “The Interdisciplinary Future of Supply Chain Management Research” Decision Sciences Vol. 44, No. 3, 413-429.
14. Geoffrey T. Stewart, Zach G. Zacharia, Andrew B. Artis (2012) “Leveraging Relationship Orientation and its Impact on Relationship Outcomes” Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Vol. 27, No. 8, 644-658.
13. Zach G. Zacharia, Nancy W. Nix, Robert F. Lusch (2011) “Capabilities that Enhance Outcomes of an Episodic Supply Chain Collaboration” Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 29, No. 6, 591-603.
12. Zach G. Zacharia, Nada R. Sanders, Nancy W. Nix (2011) “The Emerging Role of the Third-Party Logistics Provider (3PL) as a Supply Chain Orchestrator” Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 32, No. 1, 40-54.
11. Danny Lanier, Jr., William F. Wempe, Zach G. Zacharia, (2010) “Concentrated Supply Chain Membership and Financial Performance: Chain- and Firm-Level Perspectives” Journal of Operations Management, Vol.28, No.1, 1-16.
10. Zach G. Zacharia, Chad W. Autry, David S. Preston, Charles W. Lamb, (2009) “IT Alignment with Business Strategies in a Healthcare Organizations: An Empirical Analysis” Journal of International Technology and Information Management, Vol. 18, No. 3/4, 477-494.
9. Zach G. Zacharia, Nancy W. Nix and Robert F. Lusch, (2009) “An Analysis of Supply Chain Collaborations and Their Effect on Performance” Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 30, No. 2, 101-123.
8. Chad W. Autry, Zach G. Zacharia and Charles W. Lamb, (2008) “A Logistics Strategy Taxonomy” Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 29. No. 2, 53-74.
7. Nancy W. Nix, Robert F. Lusch, Zach G. Zacharia, and Wesley R. Bridges, (2008) "Competent Collaborations” Marketing Management, Vol. 17, No. 2, 18-24.
6. Zach G. Zacharia and John T. Mentzer (2007) “The Role of Logistics in New Product Development,” Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 28, No. 1, 83-110. [Reprinted in: Logistique and Management, Vol. 16, No. 1, 35-53, (2008).]
5. Zach G. Zacharia and John T. Mentzer (2004) “Logistics Salience In A Changing Environment,” Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 25, No. 1, 187-210. [Reprinted in: The ICFAI Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. 3, No. 1, 53-72, (2006).]
4. Mentzer, John T., William DeWitt, James S. Keebler, Soonhong Min, Nancy W. Nix, Carlo D. Smith, Zach G. Zacharia (2001) “Defining Supply Chain Management,” Journal of Business Logistics, Vol. 22, No. 2, 1-25. [Reprinted in: Logistique and Management, Vol. 9, No. 2, 3-19, (2001).]
3. Zacharia, Zach G., John E. Tidwell and Stephen H. Richards (2001) “An Overview of Truck and Bus Safety:1999 Knoxville Symposium,” Journal of Vehicle Design, Vol. 26, No. 4, 442-453.
2. Mentzer, John T., Min Soonhong and Zach G. Zacharia (2000) “The Nature of Interfirm Partnering in Supply Chain Management," Journal of Retailing, Winter, Vol. 76, Issue 4, 549-568.
1. Zacharia, Zach G. and Bart Jennings (1998) "The Use of Active Participation and Group Competition to Facilitate Training and Technology Transfer for Adult Learners," Transportation Research Record, No. 1637, 13-18.