Marietta Peytcheva’s research interests are in the areas of judgment and decision-making in accounting and auditing contexts, and business ethics. She examines the effects of regulatory, governance, and social pressures on auditor behavior; and the effects of communication on auditor and investor judgment. Her research has been published in Accounting, Organizations and Society, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Business Ethics, Business Ethics Quarterly, Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, Behavioral Research in Accounting, and Accounting Horizons, and she has presented at many national and international conferences. Her research awards include the 2019 Auditing Mid-Year Meeting Best Paper Award and the 2014 Behavioral Research in Accounting Best Paper Award. She is the recipient of a Center for Audit Quality research grant, and her research has been featured in multiple media outlets (e.g., Accounting Today, CFO.com, Columbia University Blue Sky Blog). She serves on the editorial review board of Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory and Accounting Horizons, and has served on the editorial board of Issues in Accounting Education.