Dr. Brunstein’s research is concerned with the long-term sustainability of administered currency regimes in emerging economies because, in the face of a more fragile global system, these policies may promote long-term stability, along with progressive social policies, and could contribute to reducing structural poverty. He is currently exploring the day-to-day determinants of country risk indexes and the implications for building progressive public policies in emerging economies. Along the same lines, Dr. Brunstein is also interested in the effect that the mass media has on the country's risk index and the construction of public opinion about public policy and its effect on long-term policy sustainability.
Dr. Brunstein holds a Ph.D. in economics and more than 14 years of teaching experience. He brings to the classroom his experience in the private and public sectors. Dr. Brunstein consulted with an NGO assisting undocumented immigrants and with an NGO interested in the development of ecologically sustainable towns in Argentina. He also served as an expert witness in the economy of Mexico during proceedings associated with undocumented immigrants. In the public sector, Dr. Brunstein worked for the Secretary of Energy of Tierra del Fuego, in Argentina, as the director of the negotiating commission in charge of handling multimillion-dollar contracts with large multinational oil and gas corporations. He also published several papers in academic journals, earned an award, presented in several academic venues, and has an active research agenda in the area of economic stability and monetary policy in emerging markets. Dr. Brunstein is also interested in researching the impact of media on financial markets and policy sustainability. He brings to the classroom the latest results of his research and continuously reads and participates in the debates and conversations related to new methodologies, including the broader use of multimedia technologies, to engage the newer generations of students inside and outside the classroom. He continuously renovates his notes and presentations to stay academically fresh and to bring to the classroom the latest ideas to his students.